Awards (01.05.2018) |
Health: summer, sun and skin cancer (RheinMain-TV 03.07.2012)About summer, sun and skin cancer |
Digital analysis of hair roots using TrichoScan® (Pharmatest 01.06.2011)The foundation for the assessment of services and products on the health market (Pharmatest®) is quoting "TrichoScan®" - a procedure for the analysis of excessive hair loss. |
Cold feet (HR TV 01.12.2010)"Cold feet, jangling cold". There are many "warm up creams" promising fast remedy. Is it illusion of warmth? Better to go for the real thing and warm up with sports and clothes? |
Dandruff (HR TV 24.11.2010)At least once in life about 30 % of the population is suffering from excessive scaling of the scalp. Nevertheless, some persons have almost always increased scaling. |
Solarium & skin cancer (RheinMain TV 26.01.2010)It sounds tempting. Just during the cold winter time or with a bad mood the stay in a solarium promises a better mood and "healthy" brownness. Is this true? |
Radio interview. Topic: fructose malabsorption (SWR3 radio chanel 04.04.2008)Radio interview about fructose malabsorption |
Too much fruit causes damage (Frankfurter Rundschau Online 13.11.2007)With about one quarter of the adult population extensive fruit consumption leads to heavy intestinal discomfort. The affected persons suffer from the widespread, but still unknown syndrome of fructose malabsorption. |
If fruits causes damages to the body (FM Medizinauskunft 29.10.2007)"An apple a day keeps the doctor away" - an old English saying praises the healthy effects of apples. |
Too much fruit causes damage (Baseler Zeitung 26.07.2007)About one quarter of the adult population suffers from intestinal discomfort after extensive fruit consumption. |