Therapy of hair loss
Mesotherapy for the treatment of hormonal and diffuse hair loss
Both, hormonal and diffuse hair loss result in an inferior supply of the hair root and in this way thinning out and early decease of growing hair. Currently several shampoos and hair tonics are promising a delay of the natural hair loss as well as an improvement of available nutrients that result in increased blood circulation. However, once applied on the scalp it's to expected that only a mínimum part of these products penetrate through the upper layer of the skin and reach the subordinate blood vessels. Actually, there are no studies available proving the penetration of contents that promisse to prevent hair loss.
In fact, according to the American Hair Loss Association, American hair loss sufferers spend more than 3.5 billion dollars a year in an attempt to treat their hair loss. However, 99% of all products being marketed are completely ineffective for the majority of those who use them.
The disadvantages of the insufficient bio-availability of tradional treatment options to prevent hair loss could be avoided by using mesotherapy. By the injection of vasodilatators and a vitamine mixture the circulation within the side of the hair roots is improved resulting in long-lasting hair growth. We use an automatic injector which delivers precisely a defined volume of all incredients at a defined depth inside the scalp. Finest cannulas guarantee tissue-protective treatment.